Working with Michael Shrieve
Private or [Skype & Zoom] Lessons with Pete

(3) “Drumset Study”: Full course – What I play is what I teach and what YOU want to play is what I teach. I have had many,many (and some now famous) students to work with:
It’s the culmination of 45 years as a professional drummer and what I think you may need to be one… Funk/Rock/Latin/Jazz/Brazilian/reading and hand technique…and Polyrhythms ( I wrote the book)
Requires practice!
Prices: One lesson only $175.00 – bi-weekly 85.00 – weekly 75.00 – You may have to pass a short audition. That’s Good for both of us…
Polyrhythms and The Chicago Clinic
BTW I have heard this comment from time to time:
…”I don’t play anything I cannot dance to” Hmmm well if
it’s learning polyrhythms that your referring then …WHAT are you talking about??
Here are some cultures that dance to polyrhythms no problem
1) Most all of Africa and North Africa
(Watussi Dance) from the 1950’s film: King Solomons Mines (Rwanda)
2) Most of Brazil
3) Most all of the countries that play “Latin Music”
4) Most all of South and North Classical Music and dance of India.
…and of course most of all those cultures all include polyrhythms in their music as well.
Then there us! Western Man – We do have very talented musicians and composers and a few internationally recognized orchestra composers and some very adventurous hard rock /metal / electronic punk bands who think way beyond the “normal” plus Frank Zappa for another.
But most of us need to take the time to practice and learn how poly-meters and polyrhythms work / how they sound and how to actually how play and improvise using them. If you do – then I promise that your already fine musicianship will become even better! by a lot!!
DOWNLOAD @ no charge “The Official 26 Polyrhythm Rudiments”
Here’s a free download of my “Official 26 Polyrhythm Rudiments”!
Download: The 26 Polyrhythm Rudiments
Recorded version:
Note: The recorded version of The 26 Polyrhythm Rudiments may be purchased and then downloaded from: There is a $5.00 Paypal charge for the audio download.
Why only practice rudiments in one dimension when you can practice them in two? It’s challenging but well worth it. (…for drummers who want to play everything they play even better )
Modern Drummer Magazine: Polyrhythmic Life
Polyrhythm Recording Reissued
Polyrhythm, with George Duke, Dave Young, Don Menza and Pete Magadini has been reissued and distributed by City Hall Records. Purchase Here.Cityhall:Polyrhythm
Working with Steve Smith
NEW “All in One – Learn to Play The Drumset”
Just released by: Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation: – The (updated) version of my two books “Learn to Play The Drumset” Vol. l and “Learn to Play the Drumset” Vol. ll –
It is: (1) a beginning book (for those just starting out ) and (2) slowly morphs into an advanced book. These are the materials I use and what I have taught to hundreds of great students through the the years of which some have become top drummers with recognizable names.
* Check out the back cover for all that is included in the “new” version “All -In-One-Learn To Play The Drumset” plus since then I have added new concepts to my program which are included in this book..
There are now video links, to on-line content, of exercises and patterns found through-out the entire book.
Note: Before going to: and /or other on – line retailers please check with your local sheet music store / drum shop or all encompassing music store in your area – ask THEM to order it, if they don’t have it already or search on line for: “All In One Learn To Play The Drumset”